
Showing posts from April, 2024

Character through Balance

 Hello again.      I am in the pleasant position to announce that i have finished my work on a card game i've been making. As such, i have both the time and the mental capacity to bless you once again with an article. This time i would like to talk about a topic near and dear to the internet's hearts, which is balancing. Balancing is, i would wager, the most common topic of discussion when it comes to game design. I would also wager that it is the easiest topic to talk about and one that dominates discussions way too much. People talk too much about balancing and people talk too much about balancing from a flawed point of view, which i would like to tackle by talking about employing balancing to reinforce a game's feeling, something which i believe is more important than a "perfectly balanced" game.     To get into the meat and potatoes of the article, here is my position: it would be okay in a game for an element to be objectively more powerful and useful ...