
Showing posts from October, 2024

Context in Game Design

 Hello. Once again it has been a while and after this brief exchange between us, it will be another while. This blog is written for the most selfish, indulgent reasons and i want you to take this sparseness of posts as a celebration of those reasons. I truly only write whenever i am compulsed to do so.      Today, like the majority of my posts, i would like to write something i've been thinking up while taking a shower. The title might say context, but today i would like to talk about Magic.     Lately i have been working on and off in a different self-indulgent project of mine, a mod for minecraft. It began as a research mod: the world generates with a set of values selected at random and the player is called to study the world around them and experiment. Slowly i have introduced more and more fantastical elements and now the player must delve into the written literature of many many years and tackle science, alchemy, magic, various forms of religious expressions and myths to slow