Genesis of a designer's blog

Hi, how are ya. 

Call me Lars. This is a little game design blog that i have been advised to start writing for and do my damnedest to maintain. This post will delve into why i would want to do such a thing and what i expect from the whole ordeal. 

Like any other use of my time, this blog is a project. This is how i have learned to compartmentalize my life and everything i do and this is what my obsession with productivity makes me classify this thing as. To be quite honest, i personally do not feel a need to maintain a designer's blog. Taking time to write whatever i think about down takes time and effort, time and effort i could spend coming up with even more concepts. Because i do come up with an excessive amount of stuff. Anyone who has read Jesse Schell's book The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses will recognize the discipline of constantly designing and analyzing every single activity, to find some kind of insight. Well, i have taken that to its logical extreme: whether i am taking a walk, eating, browsing, taking a bath or even playing a game i am actively designing at that very moment. Yes, i am always lost in thought. Yes, i am not fun at parties! 

Even while writing this very text my brain beckons me to shut it all down and return to my stream of consciousness. This constant state of creation honestly should scare me. I have been at the precipice of just retreating back to myself forever, a few times. But this pure ideal of a constant state of design has been corrupted by an ambition of mine, which is the ambition of serving my work to an audience (and by extension watching them jump out of their seats and faint because whatever i made is naturally THAT good). Manifesting my design from my mind to a page or a piece of cardboard or a computer screen is serving that very goal and this blog is no different. 

In addition to that, this blog will also naturally be practically the only way 90% of my design will ever be seen or heard of by another person. A designer's job is to design but after the design is done, if one wants their work to be seen, then they will inevitably have to take on development or producer roles. Posts detailing or analyzing design are in my view the purest product a designer can produce. 

In addition to that, this blog naturally is made to be seen. Building an online presence and an audience is leverage. It's power, power you can use to achieve things as a designer. I do not care about fame, but if fame brings me the ability to support myself from my work, the ability to meet other like-minded individuals and the ability to have my design reach as many people as possible then i will have to pursue fame. Of course, i don't hold the delusion that these posts will be seen by a large audience. Actually, i don't hold the delusion that these posts will be seen at all by people other than whoever i directly send those posts to. That is alright though; i write my posts with the hope than one day they might be picked up, and if not, at least they can act as a portfolio piece. 

That is all i have to address with the beginning of this project.


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