[CONCEPT] for a league of legends champion

 Hello everyone.

One constant in the league of legends community is criticism of the game's design, especially in the champion department. The 200 or whatever years of game design is a meme for a reason after all and i have to admit that i have indulged in the revel of making fun of the riot designers. Would i really be able to do a better job than them? I think it's time to put my money where my mouth is! And if i really come up with a better design than them, then i think i have earned the right to keep making fun of them (all in good spirit though).

To be quite honest, even finding something to design is extremely difficult. The game has been constantly making new champions for well over a decade now and basically every idea i had was already utilized by one of the champions already in the game. So i said screw it and just decided to make bridget from guilty gear!

Passive, Master of Yo-Yo: This champion wields a yo-yo! Normally the champion's auto attacks are ranged with them swinging the yo-yo to attack, but certain abilities tie down the yo-yo. During that state, this champion becomes melee.

First ability, Kickstart Something: By pressing Q, the champion extends their yo-yo forward and then sends it to a target location. By holding down Q, they hold the yo-yo towards the direction of the target and keep facing that direction regardless of movement, with the yo-yo in tow, at a fairly short range. The yo-yo constantly deals damage to any enemy inside its range and the ability costs mana to maintain. If the champion's mana pool runs out or if the button is released, the yo-yo travels to where the mouse cursor is (up to a certain range). The yo-yo stays there until the ability's cooldown is cast again and a tether (the yo-yo string) connects the yo-yo and the player. The tether deals damage and applies a minor slow to any champion it passes through and does not let the champion move further than a certain range of the yo-yo.

Second ability, Speed Lover: By pressing W, the champion gains a burst of speed. If the ability is used during the holding down Q part of Kickstart Something, the yo-yo's direction changes to point at whatever the mouse is targeting. If the ability is used while the yo-yo is deployed, the yo-yo returns to the champion, dealing damage and slowing any enemies it passes through.

Third ability, Graze: A passive ability. Enemy abilities that miss this champion by a really small margin give a minor speed boost that stacks up to five times and some mana back. Dodging multiple enemy abilities in a really short timespan lets the champion extend the stack cap, up to eight, for five seconds.

Ultimate ability, Redline: By pressing R, if the yo-yo is deployed, the champion swings in an arc towards the other side of the yo-yo (kinda like akshan). Enemy champions that are hit by either the champion or the yo-yo's string take damage, are knocked airborne, are stunned for a second and are pushed by the ability to your destination. 

I do not have definite numbers and scalings and those kinds of stuff for the champion, since i am focusing on the design. I would however like to see the champion in either a toplane or a jungle role, which is why i would probably give them health scalings in their abilities. That's a maybe though. I would not want to see them played as a marksman in botlane however, since that seems boring to me. That's all!


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