[CONCEPT] for a league of legends gamemode

 Back at it again with league! I swear league doesn't occupy as much of my brainspace as this blog makes it seem, im just tossing a few designs in here because im working on other stuff. I started playing league by watching SIV HD's (and sp4zie's but SIV was the one i watched the most) videos and the #1 thing promoted in his videos were non-standard ways to play the game of league. League for me was so full of experimentation back then, partly because i was a little kid and partly because the game hadn't matured as much as it has now. I know "retvrn"ing to league is a really common thing to say ever since 2016 ironically because 2016 was ages ago and now it's 2023 but damn it im an adult now and i get to design the league of my dreams.

The gamemode is called Volatile Adversity. The idea is that, in a 5v5 map, close to summoner's rift but i want it to be adapted for the gamemode, players get to play a game of league with randomized builds. Items at the beginning of the game are given randomized stats, abilities, names and icons and are added to a single common shop for all players to buy, like the normal league shop. Players can select any champion they want at champ select and are given randomized runes. The point of the game is to come up on the fly with a neat build that fits your champion and fight against builds you've never seen before. 

The #1 thing i want to ensure in the gamemode is freshness. The whole thing is based on the experience each time being new and up to be explored, which will quickly be deflated if the items begin being same-y after like a month or two of gameplay. The easiest thing to do to alleviate that is to place the gamemode on rotation so people play it less. Another thing that can be done and an idea that i like is to create different "metas", one of which the game selects at the beginning and builds the items around that. Those "metas" can be different pools that correspond to modern league balancing, windows into what the game could've been and even snapshots of the items of the game in the past. Another thing is to also have a few configurations for the runes: a few being pretty close to how league currently handles things, a few ideas that riot would like to test or things that never came to pass and even the past system (MASTERIES ARE BACK BABYYYYY). Same can be done for the dragon's and Baron's effects. 

There's probably more ways to influence the game like changing red and blue, changing the jungle layout, changing the map's size to affect roams and ganks and many many other things but for now i am going to leave the concept with the basics.


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[Concept] for a league of legends gamemode