[CONCEPT] for a modification to minecraft's combat

 Minecraftheads consider yourselves lucky. My history with this game runs deep, so naturally i will have a bunch of designs for it. This will not be the last time you hear of Minecraft. This post will be a short one (i think), detailing a few minor changes i would make to vanilla minecraft to make its pvp that much more exciting. When i say minor i mean it, btw. They are very indirect mechanical changes and their aim is to manipulate the already existing structure of minecraft's pvp to make it as deep as it can be.

To detail the changes in short, i propose adding a weight value to minecraft's armours making players wearing them slower and limiting weapons to being able to carry only two in your inventory at all times. 

I will first of all tackle the fact that both changes clash with minecraft's central vision. You cannot have a survival game where it's all about gathering resources and upgrading your gear if you make it all be useful, with the same applying to limiting only two weapons (or a weapon and shield) to carry at all times, which is why the proposed changes are more to fit a server with a focus on pvp. 

The proposed changes serve a singular, central goal, which is the separation of gear into loadouts and the specialization of players. Every single combination (since they have been limited) can be accounted for and has obvious strengths and weaknesses, instantly creating a game of counters. An axe disables shields, so it is strong against opponents with shields. A sword has better DPS (and splash damage), making it a better option for all-around combat. Players have to choose between taking a melee weapon with a bow or a shield. A bow with a melee weapon could feasibly put up a fight against infantry, but a bowman with a shield obviously will win in a ranged fight against an opponent without a shield. Trident users (as long as they have loyalty) are a jack of all trades, both in melee and ranged combat, with the option to still carry a shield or another weapon.

The armor sets play a part in this as well. Making the more durable players slower creates a spectrum of light-armored but speedy players and heavy, slow but more powerful players. If two players with a shield and an axe duke it out, the heavy-armored player will clearly win. The lighter player however can outrun their opponent to retreat, skirmish or flank them. Light bowmen are really good at running away from heavy infantry, but heavy bowmen will win against light bowmen and have a fighting chance against light infantry. Cavalry can play a nice part in this as well. A horse will make any heavily-armored player really mobile, at the cost of making them weaker in melee against massed infantry, make them a bigger target for missiles and unable to storm structures. I don't really see a point in light cavalry though lol


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